Our story

When I started using my Social Media platform to help and inpire others. I never expected so many of you feel relatble to my old hair problems and lack of confidence caused by this.

Growing up as a child, I often got told that I had bautiful and strong locks and I can remember quite well how these compliments made me feel; intensely proud and very confident about myself.
As I got older, I delt with many "human" things that caused my hair to get damaged and fall out. Over time, I started to lose my confidence but I never lost my passion for hair.

My dream as a young girl and also my love for making others feel confident through their hair made Ceduce come to life.

Through Ceduce, I want people to feel confident and be empowered with our products in their way to ultimate hair-fidence.
Because I believe confidence is a superpower and everyone deserves it.
Duygu ♥